In the Press and On the Page
“Hilary, in your humble yet powerful way you touched many attendees with your exposure to the Gita, Yoga Sutras and Yoga. Again on the question posed to you, “How does one develop calmness in a world that appears chaotic?”, you talked effectively about Meditation, Breath, How to feel, and most importantly To Sustain Awareness. And again you managed to leave us with simple and practical ideas such how observing good manners was a path to attaining self respect and partake in a life with purpose and integrity and noticing something bigger than oneself.”
Ravi Jandhyala
Fox T.V. show “NFL Under The Helmet“
Featuring Kevin Carter and Hilary Lindsay
Sports Illustrated ~50th Anniversary Issue. “Yoga Man”
featuring Eddie George and Hilary Lindsay
Newsweek Magazine
“Real Men Do Yoga”, featuring Eddie George and Hilary Lindsay
The Yoga Journal
“Emotions in Motion” – “As a teacher Lindsay has witnessed many emotional breakthroughs…”
ESPN Monday Night Football Pregame Show
Featuring Kevin Carter with Hilary Lindsay
Iyogalife Magazine, “Yogi Ab Map” ~A yoga core workout by Hilary Lindsay
Yoga In America, edited by Deborah Bernstein & Bob Weisenberg “Yoga in America Is”, by Hilary Lindsay
“Your chapter was a fascinating essay on the subconscious link between American ideals and the essence of yoga. I found myself wanting to read it over several times to experience it again.” Bob Weisenberg, co-editor
Fox T.V. show “NFL Under The Helmet“
Featuring Kevin Carter and Hilary Lindsay
Sports Illustrated ~50th Anniversary Issue. “Yoga Man”
featuring Eddie George and Hilary Lindsay
Newsweek Magazine
“Real Men Do Yoga”, featuring Eddie George and Hilary Lindsay
The Yoga Journal
“Emotions in Motion” – “As a teacher Lindsay has witnessed many emotional breakthroughs…”
ESPN Monday Night Football Pregame Show
Featuring Kevin Carter with Hilary Lindsay
Iyogalife Magazine, “Yogi Ab Map” ~A yoga core workout by Hilary Lindsay
Yoga In America, edited by Deborah Bernstein & Bob Weisenberg “Yoga in America Is”, by Hilary Lindsay
“Your chapter was a fascinating essay on the subconscious link between American ideals and the essence of yoga. I found myself wanting to read it over several times to experience it again.” Bob Weisenberg, co-editor
Fox T.V. show “NFL Under The Helmet“
Featuring Kevin Carter and Hilary Lindsay
Sports Illustrated ~50th Anniversary Issue. “Yoga Man”
featuring Eddie George and Hilary Lindsay
Newsweek Magazine
“Real Men Do Yoga”, featuring Eddie George and Hilary Lindsay
The Yoga Journal
“Emotions in Motion” – “As a teacher Lindsay has witnessed many emotional breakthroughs…”
ESPN Monday Night Football Pregame Show
Featuring Kevin Carter with Hilary Lindsay
Iyogalife Magazine, “Yogi Ab Map” ~A yoga core workout by Hilary Lindsay
Yoga In America, edited by Deborah Bernstein & Bob Weisenberg “Yoga in America Is”, by Hilary Lindsay
“Your chapter was a fascinating essay on the subconscious link between American ideals and the essence of yoga. I found myself wanting to read it over several times to experience it again.” Bob Weisenberg, co-editor
The Nashville Scene
“Yoga Goes Profitable: The Number of Studios Explodes But Their Missions Vary” ~ The author writes, When I walked out of Hilary’s class I felt six feet taller and sore in a good way in places I didn’t know existed – it was a gigantic stress release.
The Yoga Journal ~“Peak Performers”
“Lindsay found his flexibility needed focus in key areas. “Yoga brings another method to my arsenal. I can’t explain it, I just feel a difference in my body because I know my body and what it can do, I am more elusive now.” – Eddie George.”
Real Men Do Yoga by John Capouya
featuring Hilary Lindsay
The Tennessean
Trying to Stay Fit – “She’s cool,” says Eddie George. “Hilary’s a very energetic woman, she’s a very strong woman. She’s shown me different things about my body and it helps to focus on your body to understand yourself.”
Training and Conditioning Magazine, “Poised for Yoga” with Hilary Lindsay
Health & Wellness Magazine
“Real Men Do Take Yoga” ~ Eddie George, Hilary’s student says, “Even if I weren’t playing football I would still take yoga lessons. I like the way Hilary tailors sessions for me.”
Nashville Scene
“Hilary Lindsay: Yogini Extraordinaire” Lindsay’s magic has brought her an interesting array of students. Included among them are the Reverend Becca Stevens, Raul Malo of The Mavericks, and Tennessee Titans Running Back Eddie George.
FHM Magazine
“Eddie George’s Workout” ~ featuring Hilary Lindsay, trainer
Training and Conditioning Magazine, “Poised for Yoga” with Hilary Lindsay
Best Yoga Blog 2017
Best Yoga Blogs 2013, It’s All Yoga Baby
Associated Press
“We’ve made significant gains through yoga”, strength coach Steve Watterson said: “It’s made a significant improvement in their balance, core strength, and flexibility.”
The Tennessean
“All Together Now ” To the beat of two drummers stationed in a corner of the warmly lit studio, Lindsay takes her students through a fast paced stream of consciousness journey.
Eddie George Fitness Video ~ choreographer of opening and closing sequences
I have a new feeling for life that was missing in me. I was referred to Hilary by a medical professional. At 59 I looked 70 and felt it. I had lost flexibility and mobility and suffered from chronic neck and back pain with sciatica that caused loss of feeling in my leg and foot and made sleep difficult. In a few short months the pain is gone and I sleep like a baby. I am going snow skiing this year and had not been fit enough to ski for the last 9 years. People notice that the fun loving person they love has come back to life. Thank you Hilary, you saved my life. This is not what I ever thought yoga was. Feeling 40 at 60.
– Darrell Bengson, Business Executive
At 53 and never having considered yoga in my life, Hilary was recommended to me by a physical therapist for back pain. I hadn’t realized that my body had become so inflexible that I could barely put on my own shoes. After thoroughly evaluating my condition, Hilary put me through a program that completely eliminated my back problems. I now play golf and tennis with ease. She saved me a fortune in doctor bills, possible surgery and the results started almost immediately. I can not recommend Hilary more highly. She’s my “better angel”.
– Roger Sarchett, Music Producer
Hilary is a great yoga instructor….she kept me focused on getting into shape.
– Faith Hill
Active Yoga made me feel the best I’ve felt in my life. The depth of the work rewarded me on a spiritual as well as physical level. Every class is different and it trained me to be sensitive to the changes in my own body and life.
– Jaime Kyle, singer, songwriter, music producer
Hilary is a life saver. She researched my arthritis condition, provided me with a yoga workout and suggested lifestyle changes. Hilary is extremely knowledgeable and has a clear understanding of her client’s needs. She loves what she does and it shows.
– Kenya Mathis, Chief Warrant Officer, United States Army
Hilary’s classes have not only given me yoga skills but taught me how to teach. I always find myself referring to her with my students and I recently modeled the breath work in a “Fearless Singing” workshop on hers. Hilary’s ability to express the integration of the body informs me in areas beyond yoga and despite my training as a musician and a massage therapist, I never understood the interplay of anatomy in action until I experienced Hilary’s instruction. And it’s so much fun!
– Adie Grey, Singer/Songwriter, Music Educator
There is not a workout in town that’s wilder or more fun than Hilary’s dance class. It is something everyone should experience, not once, but every Saturday morning. Her drummers are fantastic!
– Minton Sparks, performance poet
She’s a very energetic woman, she’s stronger than most of the guys on the team.
– Eddie George, Running Back Tennessee Titans
It’s [The Bodymind Workout] the closest I come to sacred. I’m energized and feel like I move beautifully.
– Rebecca Bell, Labor and Delivery Nurse
Martial arts has taken its toll on my middle-aged body. Restorative yoga with Hilary brings relief and restores my strength. My overall performance is improved in my golf game as well as Hapkido.
– Tommy Bernard, 5th Degree Black Belt, C.E.O. Horizon Wine and Spirits
For the past four years Hilary’s free flow style has proved to be vital to attaining balance in a life which requires working in a bureaucratic environment engaged daily with crime, analysis, and administrative details. She motivates participants to set high but attainable goals of self awareness and physical accomplishment.
– John Konerman, Federal Agent
I like you but I hate this s***! Can’t you just come over and we’ll have lunch?
– K.T. Oslin, entertainer, singer
I get tight and unbalanced from competing in polo matches. Hilary challenges me to move, regain balance, relax, and think positively.
– Cathy Brown, one goal amateur polo player
I have taken yoga and dance classes with teachers around the country and Hilary Lindsay has the most dynamic, innovative, and intelligent teaching style of anyone I’ve studied under.

Rebel Yogis Calendar~Martial Artist with Inner Strength founder Matt Royka
Extreme Times Call for Extraordinary Yoga